FALL conferences are coming up quickly! This means it's time to start coordinating meal donations for our wonderful teachers! These donations really help the teachers and staff stay nourished during the long days of conferences - and they love all the variety!

  • Tuesday lunch will be 'All around the world'  πŸ—ΊοΈ
  • Wednesday dinner will be a 'Chili/Soup' meal   🍲
  • Thursday will be 'Brunch'  πŸ©


Whether you would like to make your favorite dish or provide a store-bought item, we welcome any and all items. Costco is great as they have larger portions for our many staff members!


Sign up here if you can help us support our staff at this very busy time!

Thank you from the Little Cedars PTA Hospitality Committee!

Please email us here if you have any questions: hospitality@littlecedarspta.org