Click Here for April 2024 Advocacy Updates
What is Advocacy? |
In the context of PTA, Advocacy entails providing support and raising one's voice on behalf of children, whether within educational institutions, communities, or when engaging with governmental bodies and other organizations that influence decisions concerning children. The goal is to promote policies and practices that benefit children and create a positive and supportive environment for their growth and development.
For over a century, the PTA has tirelessly advocated for the well-being and education of children. Founded in 1897 as the National Congress of Mothers, it initially addressed child labor laws. Evolving into the Congress of Parents and Teachers in the 1920s, the PTA remains dedicated to improving children's lives. With a focus on involving parents in education and addressing social issues, the PTA empowers its members to be a strong voice and a valuable resource for parents.
Washington State PTA Legislative Platform |
Washington State PTA’s advocacy work is directed by our member-adopted resolutions, principles, and legislative priorities. The Washington State PTA 2023-2024 WSPTA Legislative Platform is a two-year platform to mirror the Washington state legislative cycle. In the even-numbered years, the new platform is voted on by members at the legislative assembly in the fall. The top five issues become the short-term platform and consist of other priority issues when advocating throughout the year. Other issues are placed on an “also supported” list. During the odd-numbered years, members vote to amend current issues or to add new, emerging issues to the also supported list.
Legislative Priorities for 2023-2024
2023-2024 WSPTA Supported Issues
3 Easy Way You Can Participate in Advocacy! |
Important Contact Information |
Advocacy Contacts |
LCE PTA Advocacy Chair: |
Genevieve Dunbar |
PTA Region Advocacy Chair: |
WSPTA Advocacy Director: |
Snohomish School District |
Website: |
School Board: |
Free and Reduced Meal Application: |
Policies and Procedures: |
Washington State PTA |
Advocacy Webpage: |
Sign up for Action Alerts: | |
Advocacy and Legislative Resources: | |
WSPTA Blog: |
Legislative/Advocacy News: |
Focus on Advocacy Webpage: | |
National PTA |
Advocacy Webpage: |
Advocacy Toolkit: | |
Other |
Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI): |
Education Ombuds: |
Register to Vote: |
Citizen’s Guide to Effective Legislative Participation: | |
*images are sourced from